Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight Without Risking Your Health and Feeling Lousy!


We’re determined to help you make this year different. Tony Robbings defines insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”. Why not try a doctor guided weight loss program. We tailor the program specifically for you to help the mind and the body. Let us help you break the weight gain cycle and keep the weight off with one of our doctor guided weight loss programs in Geneva Il.

Several options to choose from:

1) Medical Food Cleanses: (Isagenix or Metagenics) Cleanses are good for everyone to do at least one time per year to help clear your body of toxins that may be preventing you from losing weight.

2) Health Appraisal and metabolic typing questionnaires help you to figure out what mix of foods you should be eating to lose weight and have your body run the best. In addition, it helps to uncover if any of your body systems like the thyroid or adrenals are not working as efficiently which can prevent weight loss. From here we recommend specific foods and supplements to help get your metabolism and organ systems working better.

These programs are doctor-supervised, doctor-coached! Your metabolism will perform better, you will feel more energized, your body will achieve a natural state of balance where losing weight can happen easily, call today to schedule an appointment 630-232-6400, 24 hour live answering


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