
Viewing 1 - 15 out of 49 posts


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Summer Weight Loss and BMI Explained by Geneva Chiropractor Dr. GInsberg

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of a series of measures to determine the level of excess fat in the body. Although other measures such as hydrodensitometry (underwater weighing), Read More

Geneva Chiropractor Discusses: Can a Chiropractor Prescribe Medication?

Doctors of Chiropractic are not licensed to write medical prescriptions or perform surgery in the United States. They rely instead on a variety of manual treatments, including spinal manipulation and Read More

Health Tips for Frequent Flyers

Flying presents many health challenges to frequent fliers. The overall stress, the lack of a consistent healthy diet, the extended periods of sitting, the effects of cabin air and the Read More

Dr. Ginsberg Answers: Will Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?

Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations, are a procedure in which a joint is moved past its usual range of motion in daily life. The purpose of chiropractic adjustment Read More

Dr. Ginsberg Discusses Why You Should Drink More Water!

Water is the elixir of life, but do we get enough of it? Many people think that substituting sodas, coffee and juice for water is enough to keep us hydrated Read More

Dr. Ginsberg Discusses Childhood Concussions: What to Look For and What to Do as a Parent

Concussions arise from an injury to the tissues or blood vessels in the brain. These can occur when the soft tissues are pressed against the bone of the skull, resulting Read More

Geneva Chiropractor Explains How The Perfect Office Chair Makes All the Difference

For the majority of us who work in office and at desk jobs, we spend a great deal of time sitting down. While sitting for most of the day seems Read More

Fibromyalgia Suffers Choose Chiropractic over Traditional Medicine for Relief of Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a condition with no known medical cure. It is characterized by chronic and debilitating pain all over the body, and heightened pain under pressure.  Its symptoms can cause Read More

Geneva Chiropractor Explains Choosing the Right Keyboard and Mouse Wrist Pad

Computer work has become the backbone of most of our daily lives. But with its rise in the workplace, there has been a concurrent increase in injuries associated with repetitive Read More

How Much Do You Really Know about Vitamin C?

Perhaps the most well-known vitamin, and one that is frequently cited as vital to good health, but what is Vitamin C exactly? Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid is a key Read More

Dr. Ginsberg Explains What Training Chiropractors Go Through to Become Doctors of Chiropractic.

Becoming a chiropractor is no easy feat. The training to become a practicing chiropractor is akin to traditional medical doctors and involves years of academic training and hours of patient Read More

Can Chiropractic Improve Golf Performance?

PGA golfers Tiger Woods and Padraig Harrington have used chiropractic services for years in order to improve and maintain their golfing performance.  Their successes suggest a benefit of chiropractic care, Read More

Geneva Chiropractor Discusses How to Get Through Spring Cleaning Safely!

Spring is finally here, and that means it's time to tackle that spring cleaning and tend to your garden! 🌼 While these tasks can be satisfying, they can also lead Read More

Geneva Chiropractor Explains Chiropractic Care for Allergies

When most of us sneeze, we put it down to a cold or even allergies, and our first thoughts are to pop an antihistamine pill – not to call a Read More

Dr. Ginsberg Discusses Chiropractic Care for Runners and Running Performance

With more and more people taking up recreational running in the US, the number of running associated injuries have also increased. Commonly reported cases include: shin splints; patellofermoral pain syndromes; Read More

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